DAWGS, a leader in steel window and door guards for vacant product security annually meets with and trains members of the Chicago Fire and Police Departments on the use of, and in some cases, the bypass of DAWGS window and door guards. Fires in vacant buildings usually occur in properties that are boarded-up. On occasion, fire from a boarded-up property will spread to a building secured by DAWGS. It is for this reason that the Fire and Police Departments need a thorough understanding of the operation and bypass of the DAWGS window and door guards.

DAWGS Teams Up with the Chicago Fire Department
For this year’s training, Chicago’s finest had new state-of-the-art Hurst brand Jaws of Life tools which they used for training purposes. The new tools included a Sheering Claw and a Forcible Entry Spreader.
New tools mean additional training for new-hires and veterans of the force. Training with the DAWGS team also provided an opportunity to try out and use the new tools with the DAWGS equipment. Once complete, the training is used to update the department’s training videos and documentation.
The extensive training took place in July 2015 over a three-day period. On day one, members from both the Fire and Police departments were invited to the DAWGS warehouse to familiarize themselves with the DAWGS products.
Day two, DAWGS brought their window and door guards to the CFD Facility. During this session, a video crew filmed the training. Day three was hands-on field training for the departments. Additional training was done on older generation equipment to make sure that the Chicago Fire and Police departments were well versed on any DAWGS door or window guards they may encounter in the line of duty.
“Taking the time to properly train the fire and police departments who will ultimately encounter our products in an emergency is really about preserving property and ultimately saving lives.” Said Jim Glass, VP of Engineering at DAWGS. “Since our company is headquartered in Chicago, it was natural to start here. Our plan is to roll out similar training programs to the other locations we serve.”
About Door and Window Guard Systems
DAWGS (Door And Window Guard Systems) is a full service vacant property security company. Our flexible, fast-response teams install and remove DAWGS equipment to ensure that your property is always secure. DAWGS currently has operations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and will be expanding into other new markets soon.
If you have a vacant property you need to secure, DAWGS has your solution. Learn more at www.dawgsinc.com