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Construction site security is vital to protect your project’s future.

Construction site theft is a serious issue that can derail your project and cause significant financial losses. Thieves target construction sites like wolves hunt sheep, drawn to the high-value materials and equipment that are often left unsecured. It’s not a matter of if your site will be targeted, but when.

The Escalating Threat of Jobsite Theft

Jobsite theft is on the rise, with construction sites becoming increasingly attractive to criminals. In 2021, more than 11,000 construction site thefts were reported. This surge is partly due to the skyrocketing prices of materials like lumber and copper. The pandemic caused a massive disruption in the lumber industry, leading to a 300% increase in lumber prices since April 2020. This makes lumber an irresistible target for thieves looking to make a quick profit.

The Allure of Construction Sites

Construction sites are a thief’s paradise, offering a smorgasbord of valuable items. Beyond lumber and copper, thieves target appliances, power tools, and heavy equipment. These items are not only valuable but also relatively easy to steal and resell. The lack of adequate security measures on many sites makes them easy pickings for opportunistic criminals.

The High Cost of Construction Site Theft

The financial impact of construction site theft is staggering. The National Equipment Register estimates that theft costs the industry up to $1 billion annually. Unfortunately, less than 20% of stolen equipment and materials are recovered, meaning most losses are permanent. Insurance might cover the value of stolen items, but it doesn’t account for the time and reputation lost dealing with the aftermath.

Level Up Your Construction Site Security

To protect your construction site from theft, you need to take deliberate action. Here are four key strategies:

  1. Enforce Your Theft Prevention Policy–If you don’t already have a site security plan, it’s time to implement one. Ensure all employees and subcontractors are aware of and adhere to this policy. Clearly state that borrowing tools or removing scrap for personal use is strictly prohibited.
  2. Secure Your Site–Video cameras alone are not enough. Consider more robust security measures, such as DAWGS steel door and window guards.
  3. Secure Your Equipment–Simple steps can make a big difference. Don’t leave keys in the machinery ignition. Remove batteries or wheels to make it harder for thieves to take equipment. The goal is to create as many obstacles as possible for potential thieves.
  4. Keep Detailed Records–Brand all your equipment with its 17-digit product identification number (PIN) and keep detailed records. This helps with recovery efforts if theft occurs and deters thieves who prefer untraceable items.

DAWGS: Your Partner in Security

Choose DAWGS for a robust and cost-effective solution to prevent construction site theft. Our steel door and window guards offer unparalleled protection, ensuring your site remains secure.

Why Choose DAWGS?

  • Durability: Our steel guards are built to withstand forced entry and harsh weather conditions.
  • Deterrence: The visible presence of our guards deters thieves.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Our solutions maintain the site’s visual appeal while providing top-notch security.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Our long-lasting guards reduce the need for frequent replacements, saving you money in the long run.

Taking proactive security measures is essential in a construction site where high material costs and rampant theft pose constant threats. By choosing DAWGS, you can protect your assets, maintain your project’s timeline, and enhance your reputation with clients.

Get a Quote Today!

Secure your construction site with DAWGS. Contact us today to get a quote and learn more about how our innovative security solutions can safeguard your jobsite from theft and vandalism.