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DAWGS steel door and window guards are the best alternative to plywood to secure vacant properties.

Chicago, IL January 13th, 2017 | DAWGS applauds Ohio’s recent action to take a stand against neighborhood blight. As of January 2017, Ohio becomes the first state in the nation to outlaw the use of plywood to secure vacant and abandoned properties.

DAWGS (Door and Window Guard Systems) manufactures, installs and maintains the best alternative to plywood – impenetrable steel door and window guards. Steel provides unmatched security for vacant properties, fights blight and is a more cost effective solution on the market.

As a leading manufacturer of steel door and window guards, DAWGS has long been a voice for and a proponent of banning the use of plywood to secure vacant structures. Jim Glass, VP of Engineering for DAWGS comments “Plywood does not keep a vacant property secure from vandalism, break-ins, theft of tools and building materials. In addition, squatters can easily enter properties, making the neighborhood a target for criminal activity.”

Break-ins and vandalism are not the only risks associated with using plywood. Neighborhoods with boarded-up houses bring down property values in the surrounding areas. Boarded-up houses are also red flags announcing that the property is empty and the neighborhood is in distress.

Vacant property stakeholders voice the same concerns as it relates to using plywood to secure vacant properties. In a recent survey conducted by DAWGS, the use of steel window and door guards to secure vacant property was the overwhelming choice over plywood.

From the December 2016 Survey: When asked which material is superior for “Security of a Property” more than 90% chose steel as compared with less than 4% choosing board-up.

The same trend was reflected throughout the survey:

Choice of Material                                             Chose Steel                 Chose Plywood

Superior for Realtor Safety                                  + 85%                                    0%

Prevents Theft of tools and material                   + 96%                                  3.5%

Prevents squatters/crime                                    + 96%                                     0%

The survey also revealed that rehabbers and investors chose steel door guards over board-up due to the accessibility and security they provide. Dependable, secure and managed access to the property speeds rehabilitation turnaround time and provides a quicker return on their property investment.

“The trend of banning plywood as an acceptable material to secure a vacant property is definitely a move in the right direction in the blight fight, Glass notes, “Our hope is that more states will follow Ohio’s lead.”