(877) 883-2947


Real Estate Investors

Whether your investment strategy is to buy a distressed property and hold it until you are ready to renovate, or if you are looking to buy and rehab immediately, our steel door and window guard systems ensure that your properties are safe and secure.

Vacant and rehabbed properties are regularly targeted for theft. Protecting your property investments with DAWGS keeps your property safe throughout a rehab project or an extended vacancy due to a renter’s departure.

DAWGS keeps your windows and doors completely sealed, the only people who can open the door are the people you give access to, so you never have to worry about surprises when you visit a property.

DAWGS prevents job site theft, even if you are overseeing renovations remotely.

Property investors overseeing renovations on distant properties face unique security challenges. DAWGS provides you with peace of mind.

The advantages of using DAWGS steel door and window guards for your vacant properties include:

  • Enhanced security and peace of mind: Steel guards deter unauthorized entry, providing an extra layer of protection.
  • Prevention of costly delays and damages: DAWGS mitigates the risk of break-ins and vandalism that can cause project delays.
  • Protection of valuable assets: Steel security prevents theft of building materials, tools, and equipment on renovation sites.
  • Compliance with insurance requirements: Steel door and window guards often meet insurance mandates for vacant properties.
  • Cost-effectiveness and convenience: DAWGS Guards are durable, low-maintenance, and include installation and removal services.

Our flexible, fast-response installation teams can put up and take down DAWGS window and door guards whenever you need them. Click here to contact our rental services department and learn more about your options, or call us at 1-877-88-DAWGS (32947).


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