(877) 883-2947


We know how hard it is to renovate homes, especially when security is a concern. Tools, materials, personal safety—these can all be worrisome when you’re doing double duty with a full time job and a rehab on the side. That being the case, we’ve joined Urban Rehabber (http://urbanrehabber.comto offer their clients and students the safety that is of such paramount importance when performing a remodel.

You may know DAWGS by reputation, or this might be the first you’re hearing of us. DAWGS stands for Door and Window Guard Systems, and essentially, we manufacture and rent out steel window and door guards for vacant properties. We’re different from other board up companies for a number of reasons.

One, our products are made from impenetrable, vandalism-resistant, powder-coated steel. We’ll give that a second to sink in—and we mean what we say. When a property is secured with DAWGS, you have the peace of mind of knowing that no one will enter your property without your consent. Our door and window guards are in some of the roughest neighborhoods in the nation, and they’ve stood up against multiple attempts to breach them.

Secondly, our products are put up using a proprietary bracing system. There are no nails or holes to mar your property. DAWGS are installed and removed by certified professionals, and we’re as careful about your properties as we are our own.

Lastly, we rent out our products, which means we handle all their maintenance. If you need a lock changed out, a property secured with steel, or guards removed, we’ll be onsite ASAP. We work with a number of large customers including City of Chicago, The Chicago PD, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Wells Fargo, CitiMortgage, and more.

Now, thanks to our partnership with Urban Rehabber, we can also work with you. Simply fill out the form here, and one of our sales professionals will contact you to discuss your needs. No hard sell, we promise. We would never badger you for a sale, that’s not our style.  We’ll go over your needs and provide you with a quote for service. Mention Urban Rehabber, and we’ll even knock 5% off that quote.