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Securing Vacant Property FAQS

What is the Best Way to Safeguard Vacant Investment Properties?

Protecting empty buildings in Atlanta can be challenging.

Common practices for securing vacant properties include:

  • lighting up the building – so it looks lived-in,
  • having neighbors keep an eye on the property,
  • board-up doors and windows with plywood.


Unfortunately, these practices might not be enough to ensure property preservation.

In the business of vacant properties, it’s crucial to keep threats like trespassers, thieves and squatters at bay – and DAWGS offers the best options in the market.

After years of enhancing a unique vault-like safeguarding system of modular steel door and window security shutters, our products can fit doors and windows of any size and shape. This guarantees that every opening of the vacant building is covered with impenetrable heavy-duty steel integrating a four-digit code system that makes DAWGS unbeatable in providing the best property preservation security system.

Forget about boarding up houses, fencing properties, or depending on alarm systems.
DAWGS solutions are rented, not purchased, which makes them reusable and more cost-effective and efficient.

Protect your vacant property, everything, and everyone in it with DAWGS door and window shields so you can manage your investments with the confidence and security granted by real steel protection.

Call the DAWGS for the best vacant property security service!

You may also be interested in this article: Why are DAWGS Door and Window Guards Better than Armed Guards?

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